WRAP Factory Audit

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WRAP Factory Audit
Brief Introduction

An international certification for social responsibility is the WRAP (WORLDWIDE RESPONSIBLE ACCREDITED PRODUCTION) accreditation. one of the biggest independent certification programs in the world, with a primary emphasis on textile sewing, apparel, and footwear. After concentrating on factory audit consulting for ten years, Saicert provides customers with a customized WRAP certificate, WRAP factory audit consulting, WRAP certificate cost, and WRAP certificate counseling solution that includes follow-up, audit accompanying, on-site counseling, and other services, all of which ensure a positive outcome.



WRAP is a combination of four English word abbreviations. The original text is WORLDWIDE RESPONSIBLE ACCREDITED PRODUCTION. The aim of the project is to independently monitor and demonstrate that manufacturing meets these global social responsibility standards and that products are produced under legal, humane and ethical conditions.

The WRAP Certification Program believes that factory-based certification is the most effective way to ensure that workplaces meet WRAP's manufacturing principles. The WRAP project places the primary responsibility for improving workplace conditions on owners who own and operate sewing product manufacturing facilities. WRAP certification can bring you an international market advantage.

In the United States, WRAP project retailers and brand recognition have steadily increased over the past few years. The recognition of WRAP certification by multiple brands and retailers avoids repetitive monitoring activities, and Intertek has been selected as the world's independent monitor by many of the world's top retailers supporting the WRAP project.

We often hear people mention that some factories need to carry out WRAP audits, then you know what it mainly audits? Some common questions and answeres about WRAP certification are as follows.

1. What is the main focus of WRAP certification?

A: Mainly examine human rights and anti-terrorism!

2. What is the WRAP certification fee?

A: The certification fee is determined by the number of people. The number of people determines the labor of the audit, which is about 15,000 for 300 people and close to 20,000 for 400 people.

3. What is the WRAP certification registration fee?

A: The initial registration fee is $1,195. The validity period is 6 months. If there is no child labor audit for more than 6 months, you need to register again. The fee is $895. The annual audit needs to re-pay the registration fee.

4. Re-audit after audit or expiration, how to operate?

A: You need to re-register and pay the fee.

5. How long is the second WRAP certification?

A: All are one month of irregular re-audit.

6. The last time I received a silver certificate, can I get a gold certificate now?

A: Generally, you can get it.

7. Q: What is the validity period of the WRAP certificate?

A: The validity period of the C certificate is 6 months, the validity period of the B certificate is one year, and the validity period of the A certificate is 2 years.

WRAP - WORLDWIDE RESPONSIBLE ACCREDITED PRODUCTION, is the world's largest independent certification program, focusing on clothing, footwear and sewing textiles. It is the most cost-effective service project. The aim of the project is to independently monitor and demonstrate that manufacturing meets these global social responsibility standards and that products are produced under legal, humane and ethical conditions.

The WRAP Certification Program believes that factory-based certification is the most effective way to ensure that workplaces meet WRAP's manufacturing principles. The WRAP project places the primary responsibility for improving workplace conditions on owners who own and operate sewing product manufacturing facilities. WRAP certification can bring you an international market advantage.

Shanghai Tranwin provides quality WRAP certification counseling throughout China and Southeast Asian countries.

WRAP-Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production. It is the world's largest independent certification program, focusing on clothing, footwear and sewing textiles.

What are benefits for the the enterprises in promoting WRAP certification?

1. Meet the mandatory requirements of customers;

2. Improved existing social responsibility management;

3. Respect the life of employees and strengthen their corporate image;

4. Improve the competitiveness of enterprises;

5. The degree of harm exposed to the workplace can be alleviated;

6. Enhance the cohesiveness of the company and achieve a win-win situation for both employers and employees;

7. Comprehensive integration of quality, environmental and social responsibility management systems;

8. Develop cost-effective preventive measures for accidents and losses;

9. Comply with international trends and pursue sustainable business operations;

10. Improve relations with trade unions and related stakeholders;

11. Obtain WRAP certification and reduce COC inspection;

The WRAP Certification Program believes in factory-based certification to ensure that workplaces are in line with WRAP's production principles.

The requirements for the WRAP certification site audit are as follows:

1. Doors should be outer opening, and the rolling doors, the moving doors or the inner opening doors are not accecpted.

2. Escape landmarks should be posted on the access area of the work area and office area.

3. The factory shall post the Chinese version of the WRAP Code of Conduct specification in the dormitory, workshop, office and cafeteria.

4. The pointer of the fire extinguisher should point to the green area and be inspected once a month. Please check with the relevant third-party qualification agency once a year, and post the instructions on the fire extinguisher.

5. The factory shall set up a complaint box and a suggestion box for employees to complain or make comments.

6. Record the temperature and humidity check of the production workshop and warehouse at least once a month.

7. The number of fire extinguishers: 1 per square meter in the workshop, 1 per 100 square meters in the warehouse, no less than 2 in 1 point, no more than 5, and the position of the fire extinguisher should be fixed and cannot move.

8. The workshop should have ventilation equipment to keep the air circulation in the work area.

9. The factory shall provide free and clean drinking water. And post the logo for drinking water.

10. The factory shall distinguish between non-hazardous and hazardous waste and post corresponding signs on the corresponding trash can.

11. Dormitory (per floor), office, production workshop and canteen should be equipped with first-aid kits, and the list of medicines and receipts should be posted on the medicine box; first aid procedures, emergency telephone numbers and first-aid kit labels must be attached to the medicine box.

12. The machine equipment in the workshop must be posted with instructions for use and a regular maintenance record is required.

13. The fan used in the field must have a protective cover to prevent people from touching and causing injury.

14. The MSDS logo shall be posted for each chemical in the chemical warehouse, and an eye washer shall be set up. The hazardous chemicals shall be marked with the hazardous chemicals;

1. Who can participate in the WRAP certification program?

Participation in WRAP certification must be an independent production unit. Parent companies, brands or retailers are not eligible to apply. In addition, our certification program focuses on sewing, apparel, footwear and related industries.

2. Which companies accept WRAP certificates?

More than 100 buyers, brands and retailers worldwide accept WRAP certificates, although they differ in their social responsibility programs. WRAP is still recognized as an independent certification program for the sewing industry. Some companies may choose to replace their own audits with WRAP certificates, while others may only accept WRAP certificates from factories that have already conducted their first audits; some companies may also accept WRAP certificates only in certain countries, or only accept themselves. The business part of the franchise authorization, or only the WRAP certificate obtained by the factory audited by the designated audit company.

3. How do production companies get WRAP certificates?

WRAP certification involves five steps. First, the manufacturer needs to fill out the initial application form and pay the registration fee on the WRAP website. Then the manufacturer will self-assess whether it meets the 12 principles of WRAP. The next step is to have our approved audit company go to the factory for field audit. After the audit is completed, WRAP will decide whether to issue the certificate based on the results of the audit report received.

4. How can I find out if a factory is WRAP certified?

Certified factory companies can be viewed on WRAP's world map. Please note that it is only authorized to authorize WRAP to be posted on the online certification factory.

5. How long does it take to get a WRAP certificate?

The time to obtain a certificate depends on the preparation at the time of the factory application. The factory may be certified in as little as six weeks, but in most cases it will be issued 2-6 months after the application is submitted. Each registration is valid for 6 months, so if the factory needs to complete the entire process for a longer period of time, then the registration fee should be re-delivered or the application should be extended.

6. Some brands claim to be WRAP certified, is this true?

No. Brands and retailers are unlikely to receive WRAP certification. Only independent production units can be certified.

7. How do I know if my clothes are made by a WRAP-certified factory?

This problem is obviously much more complicated than it seems on the surface, because it involves two parts. First of all, WRAP is not a consumer-oriented organization. We do not have a system to track the clothing and footwear produced by the certified factories. However, many brands and retailers have decided whether to purchase this item from WRAP certified factories on their website. But in general, the supply chain of clothing and footwear is long and complex, which makes it difficult to mark the entire product manufactured by WRAP certified factories. For example, although the final output of a shirt may be in a WRAP-certified factory, fabrics, buttons, or other components may not be manufactured by a WRAP-certified factory.

8. Can multiple factories in the group obtain a certificate?

No. Each independent production unit must be certified separately.

The five steps of the official application procedure of WRAP certification are as follows:

1. Step 1: registration

The company submits the registration form and pays the registration fee on the WRAP website.

2. Step 2: Self assessment

The WRAP Self-Assessment and Monitoring Manual can be downloaded from the WRAP website.

3. Step 3: Field audit

WRAP approves its accredited third-party independent auditing firm to conduct on-site audits of the company and requires the auditing company to perform additional inspections and reports.

4. Step 4: Evaluation report

WRAP employees take one of the following two steps:

(1) WRAP employees may notify the company to correct certain policies and require the auditing company to perform additional inspections and reports.

(2) WRAP employees may recommend that the WRAP Certification Committee approve the certification.

5. Step 5: Certification

The WRAP Certification Committee reviews and evaluates reports and evidence and issues certificates to qualified companies. The certificate is valid for 6 months, one year or two years.

WRAP Certified Silver Certificate (C certificate) - valid for six months, issued to factories that meet the WRAP certification key production principles. These factories have no serious problems in policies, procedures or training, and still need to be improved. The factory does not exist. Serious non-compliance issues such as child labor, extreme safety and health or environmental issues, employment of prisoners, forced or involuntary labor, harassment or abuse of labour. WRAP certified factories must demonstrate that employees receive the minimum wage required by law and the overtime pay specified.

WRAP Certified Gold Certificate (B) - Valid for one year, issued to all factories that are in compliance with WRAP certified production principles during the first or subsequent inspections. This certificate is valid from the date of issue of the certificate, not from the date of inspection.

WRAP Certified Platinum Certificate (A certificate) - rewards the factory for the three consecutive years to fully maintain the WRAP certification of the twelve principles of compliance, and successfully passed each monitoring, no corrective action plan (CAP). All factories that meet these criteria are awarded a certificate valid for two years. During the two years, the factory will be subject to audits without prior notice. Factories must continue to be certified to qualify for the WRAP Platinum Certificate.

What is differences between initial audit and re-audit of WRAP?

WRAP initial audit: You can choose a certification body and do not notify the audit time.

WRAP re-audit: A certification body is directly designated by WRAP and does not notify the audit time.

WRAP Certification - Occupational Health Check Report

Many customers are used to doing some fake documents during the audit process. However, Tranwin reminds customers here that some documents need to check the original ones.

Among the WRAP audits,  the auditors need to check the original occupational health check reports, and the payment invoices of the medical examination fee. I hope that everyone can do the relevant preparations.

The goal of the WRAP Certification Program

The goal of the WRAP Certification Program is to promote and validate legal, humane and ethical production practices around the world. Participation in the WRAP Certification Program fully demonstrates the commitment to the implementation of socially responsible business practices through strong adherence to the WRAP Principles. The plan seeks to achieve this by verifying that the manufacturing facilities' meeting the principles of WRAP, which is related to labor policies, factory conditions, and compliance with environmental management and customs regulations. The plan is a factory-centric certification program. Participating factories voluntarily agree that an independent inspector will assess whether the facility is performing the above principles.

The ongoing implementation of the program is the responsibility of the WRAP Certification Committee, which consists of an independent board of directors and a number of executives, all of whom are prominent individuals. WRAP reviews the compliance report of the production facility, approves the appointment of an independent ombudsman, and verifies that the facility has complied with the relevant principles.



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Sai Associates,
No.56, Stanes Road 2nd Street,
Pushpa Theater, Avinashi Road,

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