FSC Factory Audit

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FSC Factory Audit
Brief Introduction

FSC, sometimes referred to as Timber Certification, is a tool that promotes sustainable forest management and helps accomplish social, ecological, and economic objectives through the use of market processes. Chain of Custody (COC) and Forest Management (FM) are included in FSC. FSC, sometimes referred to as Timber Certification, is a non-governmental, non-profit system owned by stakeholders that supports ethical global forest management. For businesses and organizations interested in sustainable forestry, it offers services such as standards creation, trademark assurance, accreditation, and market access. The FSC logo is authorized for usage by certified businesses. After concentrating on factory audit consulting for ten years, Saicert offers a comprehensive FSC audit consulting, FSC forest certification, and FSC certification inspection solution that is customized and includes follow-up, audit accompanying, on-site counseling, and other services to ensure a positive outcome.



The following list covers the main documents required for F

SC-COC audits, but is not limited to the following documents, please be aware.

- COC Management Manual;

- Company structure chart, responsibility and authority related to the chain of custody;

- A list of key control point personnel in the chain of custody;

- List of FSC product groups; (Chinese and English)

- Production process flow chart for each product group; (Chinese and English)

- A list of FSC material suppliers;

- FSC supplier rating form;

- FSC supplier certificate;

- FSC supplier online verification data;

- FSC procurement contract;

- FSC product purchase invoice;

- FSC product raw material supply and transportation documents;

- FSC raw material warehouse ledger;

- FSC finished goods warehouse ledger;

- FSC product sales statistics;

- Statistical tables of production material wear and tear for each product group;

- A summary of the production records of the FSC products;

- Production process identification card;

- Production process list;

- Conversion rate of materials in each process;

- Raw material conservation record

- FSC product supply documents;

- FSC product invoice;

- Training programs (including health and safety);

- Training records (including health and safety);

- A self-declaration of FSC-POL-01-004;

- Procedures and operational records for health and safety;

- Business license;

- Organization code certificate;

- Tax registration certificate

- Import and export license

Regardless of whether it is a factory audit or certification, the customer's focus will always focus on these two issues, can you pass? How is the cost, is it expensive? Then, let's have a look how the cost of FSC certification is generated.

There are two types of FSC forest certification fees: direct and indirect. The direct cost is the cost of the certification itself; the indirect cost is the fee paid by the forest management unit in terms of improving management level, adjusting business plan, and training employees. In most cases, the latter is higher than the former.

1. Indirect fees

Indirect costs, also known as variable expenses, are related to the quality of the forest management system implemented by the certification unit.

A good forest management system does not have to make major adjustments to the existing forest management long-term planning and forest operation procedures, nor does it have to invest more in training and forest management, thereby reducing the payment for these aspects through certification. cost of.

2. Direct cost

Direct costs, also known as fixed costs, include: forest assessment and audit fees, annual audit fees.

The influencing factors are:

1) The difficulty level and scale of certification implementation.

2) The effect and transparency of the forest management unit management system.

3) Feasibility of certification body evaluation.

4) The size of the forest management unit, the complexity of the management structure, the richness of biodiversity, the diversity of the social environment, and the clarity of the relevant activity records.

In general, the certification cost of tropical rain forests is higher than that of temperate forests, and the certification cost of natural forests is higher than that of plantations.

FSC certification fees are related to the size of the certified forest. At the same level of operation, small-scale forests have higher certification costs than larger-scale forests.

The Purposes of FSC certiication

1) Stabilize the market share of existing products of the enterprise and create market access conditions for entering new markets.

2) Improve the forest management level of forest management units and promote the sustainable management of forests.

In addition, FSC forest certification can also achieve the following objectives: distinguish products, commercialization of forest services, reduce investment risks, promote participation of stakeholders, obtain financial assistance, and strengthen law enforcement.

FSC Forest Certification Law and Principles

Forest management should comply with the laws of the country in which it is located and the international conventions and agreements it has signed, and comply with all FSC principles and standards.

Forest management should comply with all national and local laws and administrative regulations.

All reasonable legal fees, royalties, taxes and other fees shall be payable. Respect the relevant provisions of all binding international agreements (such as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, the International Labour Organization Convention, the International Tropical Timber Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity).

The certification body and the participating or affected parties should evaluate the conflicts between relevant laws and regulations and FSC principles and standards on a case-by-case basis.

Forest management areas should avoid illegal logging, settlement and other unauthorized activities. Forest managers should commit to long-term adherence to FSC principles and standards.

So far, a variety of FSC forest certification systems have emerged around the world. The procedures for certification are not the same under different systems, but the main steps are the same, namely, application, inspection (or audit), and decision making and issue a certificate.

Forest management units must conduct self-assessment before applying for FSC forest certification to prepare for formal certification. Then, What are steps for a customer to take to get FSC certified?

Step 1: Evaluate the need for FSC certification. The forest management unit should confirm whether the unit has the need to carry out certification, that is, the certification will bring benefits to the business operation, such as certification will improve the market competitiveness of the product, the certification revenue will exceed the certification cost and so on.

Step 2: Choose the appropriate certification and certification body. The forest management unit should decide which certification system to choose based on the needs of the consumer or the market for a certain certification.

Step 3: Conduct an internal assessment. Before the formal certification, the forest management unit shall conduct an internal preliminary assessment, including the selection of certification standards, local conditions: interpretation of the standards, and the use of standards to evaluate the business activities of the enterprise to determine the extent to which the unit meets the certification requirements.

Step 4: Improve and perfect forest management to achieve good forest management.

After an internal assessment, forest management units should improve the deficiencies in forest management, such as setting clear business objectives and adopting practical implementation steps. After these tasks are completed, the forest management unit can formally apply for certification.

The benefits of FSC forest certification are mainly reflected in three aspects: environmental benefits, social benefits and economic benefits.

1. Environmental benefits:

Protect biodiversity and its value, water resources, soils, unique and fragile ecosystems and natural landscapes; maintain forest ecosystems and ecosystem integrity, promote sustainable forest management; and protect endangered species and their habitats.

2. Economic benefits:

Ensure a long-term supply of wood.

Improve forest productivity.

Stabilize forest management rights.

Strengthen the basic management and environmental management of enterprises.

Maintain or increase market share.

Production of differentiated products.

Product premium.

Improve relationships with various stakeholders.

Strengthen contact with managers and gain priority in forest management.

Improve staff morale and ability to attract talent.

Improve the competitiveness and credibility of enterprise products in the international market, and obtain more financial and technical support.

3. Social benefits of FSC forest certification:

Ensure that the rights of all stakeholders are respected and realized.



Overview of the FSC certification audit procedure:

1. Apply

The customer fills in the FSC-COC application certification certification form and sends me back to our company. Our company will prepare a chain of custody quotation proposal based on the company information provided by the questionnaire. If accepted, your company will sign an agreement and draft an audit date with our company.

2. On-site audit

a) First meeting

The auditor explains the process and determines the scope of certification for the chain of custody

On-site audit

The following items are generally evaluated:

I) Purchase

Visiting Purchasing

Review of documents and records

Acceptance, measurement and recording of incoming goods (raw materials or products)

Storage of incoming materials (raw materials), including site control of certified materials.

Assessment of chain of custody input

II) Process

Assessment of the risk of blending certified and non-certified materials/products.

Evaluation of control system implementation

Control and identification during processing, sorting and packaging

ID) Output material

Isolation and identification of certified products in the warehouse

Labeling and dispatching


3. The auditor announces on the spot whether the company has passed the certification.

4. Issuance of audit reports and certificates

5. Supervised visits are held annually or every six months to ensure the continued effective implementation of the chain of custody system.

6. The certificate is valid for five years and will be re-evaluated every five years.

The FSC (FOREST STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL) was established in 1993 as a non-profit organization in Toronto, Canada. 130 delegates from 25 countries and other broadly representative organizations (such as forest worker organizations, social and indigenous organizations, timber industry and international environmental organizations) participated in the conference. The FSC is an independent, not-for-profit NGO.

Principles and standards for FSC certification:

Forest resources and related management should be widely recognized, both now and in the future, in line with social, economic, ecological and cultural needs. People are also gradually recognizing that forests are destroyed and seriously degraded. Consumers hope that the wood or forest products they buy will not exacerbate such damage, but will help protect future forest resources. Based on this idea, wood product certification and self-certification services came into being.

The purpose of the FSC organization is to ensure the reliability of the recognized organization. All certifications are initiated by the forest owner and the operator to request the certification body to provide services. The aim is to promote worldwide forest management to meet environmental requirements, social benefits and economic viability by establishing a globally recognized and adhered to principles and standards (P&C).

The FSC will engage in training activities to enhance consensus in the following important areas:

Accelerate the most efficient and best use of forest resources

Reduce damage and waste

Avoid excessive consumption and over-harvesting

Improve forest management

Calculate the cost of management and production into the price of forest products

In order to achieve sustainable development of the forest, FSC certification appears in the timber market and appears in the home market... then let us know the principles of its certification!

Principle 1: Benefits from forests

Forest management activities should encourage the effective use of forest products and services to ensure the economic benefits of forests and broad social and environmental benefits.

Principle 2: Environmental impact

Forest management should protect biodiversity and its associated values, such as water resources, soils, and the value of unique and fragile ecosystems and landscapes, in order to maintain the ecological function and integrity of forests.

Principle 3: Business Planning

Forest management plans that are compatible with the scale and intensity of forest management should be developed and implemented and revised at any time. The long-term goals of the business and the means to achieve them should be clearly stated.

Principle 4: Monitoring and evaluation

Monitoring should be carried out in accordance with the scale and intensity of forest management to assess forest conditions, forest product production, chain of custody, operational activities and their social and environmental impacts.

Principle 5: Compliance with the law and the principles of the FSC

Forest management should respect the laws of the country in which it is located and the international conventions and agreements it has signed, and comply with all FSC principles and standards.

Principle 6: Ownership, Use Rights and Responsibilities

The long-term ownership and use rights of land and forest resources should be clearly defined, documented and legal documents formed.

Principle 7: Plantation

Plantations should be planned and managed in accordance with Principles and Standards 1-9 and Principles 10 and their standards. Plantations can provide a range of social and economic benefits and help meet the world's demand for forest products, while it is natural. Forests form a supplement that relieves stress on natural forests and promotes the restoration and protection of natural forests.

Principle 8: The rights of indigenous people

The legal and traditional rights of indigenous people to own, use and operate their lands, territories and resources should be recognized and respected.

Principle 9: Community relations and the rights of workers

Forest management activities should maintain or enhance the long-term social and economic interests of forest workers and local communities.

Principle 10: Maintain high conservation value forests

Operating in high conservation value forests should maintain or enhance the characteristics of these forests and always take preventive measures to consider decisions about high conservation value forests.

For those who want to do FSC forest certification, come to Super Internet! Supernet helps you quickly pass the certification!

It has been said that a responsible and sustainable harvesting method can meet the demand for wood while protecting forests, so the forest certification system came into being 25 years ago.

FSC certification, also known as Timber certification, is a tool that uses market mechanisms to promote sustainable forest management and achieve ecological, social and economic goals. Including Forest Management Certification (FM) and Chain of Custody (COC).

Forest management certification, also known as forest sustainable management certification or FSC forest certification, is for forest management units, which are established by independent third-party FSC forest certification agencies in accordance with established forest management standards, in accordance with recognized principles and standards. Forest management performance is reviewed to demonstrate its process of meeting sustainable business requirements.

The SA8000 standard does not explicitly require companies to write social responsibility management manuals. Companies can write management manuals based on their own characteristics and needs. For companies with weak social responsibility management, writing a social responsibility management manual alone is conducive to highlighting key points and strengthening social responsibility management. After the company's social responsibility management is on the right track, it is gradually integrated with other management systems to achieve multiple management systems. 

Due to the multi-layered nature of the social responsibility management system documents, the following issues should be noted when writing system documents:

1. Systematic

The system document reflects the characteristics of corporate social responsibility management and regulates the control of technical, managerial and personnel factors related to social responsibility activities. Between the various levels of the system document, the document and the document should be clearly structured, the interface is clear, the structure is reasonable, and the order is coordinated. When preparing the social responsibility management system documents, each level of documents should involve a logically independent part of the social responsibility management system. It should be planned and coordinated from the overall responsibility of the company's social responsibility management system.

2. Compliance

The content of the social responsibility management system document should meet the requirements of the standard, fully reflecting the "standard requirements must be written, written, and done." The drafted documents should be fully discussed and evaluated to be operational and reflect the objective needs of the company's social responsibility management activities. Management specification. The document structure of the social responsibility management system can also be divided into three levels, as described in Appendix A of ISO 10013, Guidelines for the Preparation of Quality Manuals, namely:

(1) Management Manual (Level A)

(2) Program file (Level B)

(3) Work instructions and records (C level)

Their relationship is as follows. The social responsibility system documents at all levels should be consistent with the contents of the first level social responsibility manual. Companies can divide the level of system files according to their size and actual situation, not necessarily all three levels.

Management Manual (Level A): Describe the SA8000 system according to the SA8000 standard and the SA8000 management guidelines and objectives.

Program Files (Level B): Describe the activities of the various functional departments involved in implementing the elements of the system.

Job files (C level): detailed work files (forms, reports, assignments, work instructions, records, etc.).

3. Authoritative

The system document is the code of conduct for the company to implement social responsibility management and to ensure that social responsibility factors are controlled. The system documents shall comply with the requirements of SA8000 standards, relevant national laws and regulations and other requirements. After the social responsibility management system document is approved by the company's top management, it becomes the internal legal document that the company must implement. It is one of the basis for guiding the company's behavioral norms and implementation audits.

3. Witness

The social responsibility management system document can be used as objective evidence to verify the operation of the company's social responsibility management system to company managers, stakeholders, and third-party certification bodies. For example, for internal or external audits, the social responsibility management system procedure document can serve as objective evidence for:

(1) Social responsibility factors have been identified and their importance has been evaluated.

(2) The procedure for the activity has been determined and approved.

(3) The activities are under full supervision.

(4) Program file changes are in a controlled state.

4. Applicability

The social responsibility management system document should fully reflect the characteristics of the company's activities, the size of the company, the category of social responsibility factors, the level of technology and the quality of personnel. The issue of social responsibility is also a development issue. With the advancement of science and technology and the strengthening of laws and regulations, the social responsibility management system also reflects the dynamic characteristics. In order to achieve continuous improvement and ensure the continued suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the system, it is necessary to fully consider that the social responsibility management system needs to continuously track the requirements of laws and regulations and new changes brought about by the development of the enterprise.



Our Location

Sai Associates,
No.56, Stanes Road 2nd Street,
Pushpa Theater, Avinashi Road,

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8526982300, 8526632456